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Boring content doesn't work, no matter how important your message is.

Mediavibe markets and builds websites for small and medium-sized businesses.

Because people are attracted to what looks good.

Get a customized website, created according to your needs.

Are the websites I create good? No, they are very good!

In fact, they are so good that I have filled schools with students, helped online stores sell for more than 100 million kroner and veterinarians get full customer lists.

Alt du trenger hver måned uten å ansette.

The website I create will be yours. It is tailor-made from the ground up, it will be unique and you can have it exactly how you want it.

Don't pay large sums of money

I have low costs, so do you. Based on my time at large agencies, it's clear that you would end up paying a lot more with them.

Specialized in small and medium-sized businesses

Your target audience will find you and you will look good.


Your website will work seamlessly across all platforms. Reach more customers, look great, and do better business.

Mediavibe website
Mediavibe Nettside
Mediavibe nettside mobil
Mediavibe nettside mobil
Mediavibe nettside mobil


Good vibes are never wrong. Low shoulders create space for good times and creative solutions.

Say hello!

We hear each other.

We agree.

Once you are satisfied with the solution, I will implement the service. I will take your opinions into account along the way and you will give your approval at each stage before we continue.

Get in touch. Share what you need or what results you envision. It could be an open assignment, or just some informal ideas.

I focus on developing original ideas and solutions, or refining your ideas. Within a few days I present proposals for clear sketches. You have no obligations until you find a sketch you want to move forward with.



Let's share the tasks

You excel in your industry, I boost your visibility & your expression.

Mediavibe Logo
martin hansen

Photo: Gio trentadue

Start with a nice chat?

Gjennom mine 15 år i den digitale skaperbransjen har jeg spilt en nøkkelrolle i å hjelpe både små og store bedrifter gjennom strategisk markedsføring og nettsideutvikling.


Kontakt meg, så kan vi sammen utforske dine behov – helt gratis og uten forpliktelser.

Mediavibe delivers the goods if you need help with web design, video production and general creativity around new ways to profile your business.

Jostein Tvedten

Principal Stavern Folk High School

Martin adapted quickly and completed tasks efficiently, which helped us reach our annual sales goals in just three months. As a partner, he has been helpful and good. I recommend Mediavibe.

Trond Heum

Manager Crossbutikken AS



But hey, boasting about a low click rate or having a bunch of views is nice, but without real results to show? Nada. Behind the website lies great forces where all channels and media work together to make things actually happen.


Emotions, emotions and more emotions. Text, video, design – whatever the format, I deliver with quality and speed. It will still be your story, but in a way that engages and converts.

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Booking systems, payment solutions, Google Maps... you name it! I have extensive experience implementing the best systems tailored to your needs.
